Class Controller
Application controller class for organization of business logic. Provides basic functionality, such as rendering views inside layouts, automatic model availability, redirection, callbacks, and more.
Controllers should provide a number of 'action' methods. These are public methods on the controller that are not prefixed with a '_' and not part of Controller. Each action serves as an endpoint for performing a specific action on a resource or collection of resources. For example: adding or editing a new object, or listing a set of objects.
You can access request parameters, using $this->request
. The request object contains all the POST, GET and FILES
that were part of the request.
After performing the required actions, controllers are responsible for creating a response. This usually
takes the form of a generated View, or possibly a redirection to another controller action. In either case
allows you to manipulate all aspects of the response.
Controllers are created by Dispatcher based on request parameters and routing. By default controllers and actions
use conventional names. For example /posts/index
maps to PostsController::index()
. You can re-map URLs
using Router::connect().
- CakeObject
Controller implements CakeEventListener
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/Controller/Controller.php
Properties summary
publicInstance of ComponentCollection used to handle callbacks. -
publicInstance of the View created during rendering. Won't be set until after Controller::render() is called.
protectedInstance of the CakeEventManager this controller is using to dispatch inner events.
The class name of the parent class you wish to merge with. Typically this is AppController, but you may wish to merge vars with a different parent class.
The class name to use for creating the response object. -
Set to true to automatically render the layout around views. -
Set to true to automatically render the view after action logic.
Used to define methods a controller that will be cached. To cache a single action, the value is set to an array containing keys that match action names and values that denote cache expiration times (in seconds).
Array containing the names of components this controller uses. Component names should not contain the "Component" portion of the class name.
File extension for view templates. Defaults to CakePHP's conventional ".ctp". -
An array containing the names of helpers this controller uses. The array elements should not contain the "Helper" part of the class name.
The name of the layout file to render the view inside of. The name specified is the filename of the layout in /app/View/Layouts without the .ctp extension.
The name of the layouts subfolder containing layouts for this controller. -
Holds current methods of the controller. This is a list of all the methods reachable via URL. Modifying this array will allow you to change which methods can be reached.
This controller's primary model class name, the Inflector::singularize()'ed version of the controller's $name property.
This controller's model key name, an underscored version of the controller's $modelClass property. -
The name of this controller. Controller names are plural, named after the model they manipulate. -
Holds all params passed and named. -
Automatically set to the name of a plugin. -
publicAn instance of a CakeRequest object that contains information about the current request. This object contains all the information about a request and several methods for reading additional information about the request.
publicAn instance of a CakeResponse object that contains information about the impending response -
Triggers Scaffolding -
An array containing the class names of models this controller uses. -
Holds any validation errors produced by the last call of the validateErrors() method. -
The name of the view file to render. The name specified is the filename in /app/View/
without the .ctp extension. -
The name of the View class this controller sends output to. -
The name of the views subfolder containing views for this controller. -
Contains variables to be handed to the view.
Magic properties summary
public -
public -
public -
public -
public -
public -
public -
public -
Method Summary
__construct() public
Constructor. -
__get() public
Provides backwards compatibility access to the request object properties. Also provides the params alias.
__isset() public
Provides backwards compatibility to avoid problems with empty and isset to alias properties. Lazy loads models using the loadModel() method if declared in $uses
__set() public
Provides backwards compatibility access for setting values to the request object. -
_afterScaffoldSave() protected deprecated
Alias to afterScaffoldSave() -
_afterScaffoldSaveError() protected deprecated
Alias to afterScaffoldSaveError() -
_beforeScaffold() protected deprecated
Alias to beforeScaffold() -
_getScaffold() protected
Returns a scaffold object to use for dynamically scaffolded controllers. -
_getViewObject() protected
Constructs the view class instance based on the controller property -
_isPrivateAction() protected
Check if the request's action is marked as private, with an underscore, or if the request is attempting to directly accessing a prefixed action.
_mergeControllerVars() protected
Merge components, helpers, and uses vars from Controller::$_mergeParent and PluginAppController.
_mergeUses() protected
Helper method for merging the $uses property together. -
_parseBeforeRedirect() protected
Parse beforeRedirect Response -
_scaffoldError() protected deprecated
Alias to scaffoldError() -
afterFilter() public
Called after the controller action is run and rendered. -
afterScaffoldSave() public
This method should be overridden in child classes. -
afterScaffoldSaveError() public
This method should be overridden in child classes. -
beforeFilter() public
Called before the controller action. You can use this method to configure and customize components or perform logic that needs to happen before each controller action.
beforeRedirect() public
The beforeRedirect method is invoked when the controller's redirect method is called but before any further action.
beforeRender() public
Called after the controller action is run, but before the view is rendered. You can use this method to perform logic or set view variables that are required on every request.
beforeScaffold() public
This method should be overridden in child classes. -
constructClasses() public
Loads Model classes based on the uses property see Controller::loadModel(); for more info. Loads Components and prepares them for initialization.
disableCache() public deprecated
Forces the user's browser not to cache the results of the current request. -
flash() public deprecated
Shows a message to the user for $pause seconds, then redirects to $url. Uses flash.ctp as the default layout for the message. Does not work if the current debug level is higher than 0.
getEventManager() public
Returns the CakeEventManager manager instance that is handling any callbacks. You can use this instance to register any new listeners or callbacks to the controller events, or create your own events and trigger them at will.
header() public deprecated
Convenience and object wrapper method for CakeResponse::header(). -
httpCodes() public deprecated
Queries & sets valid HTTP response codes & messages. -
implementedEvents() public
Returns a list of all events that will fire in the controller during its lifecycle. You can override this function to add your own listener callbacks
invokeAction() public
Dispatches the controller action. Checks that the action exists and isn't private.
loadModel() public
Loads and instantiates models required by this controller. If the model is non existent, it will throw a missing database table error, as CakePHP generates dynamic models for the time being.
paginate() public
Handles automatic pagination of model records. -
postConditions() public deprecated
Converts POST'ed form data to a model conditions array, suitable for use in a Model::find() call. -
redirect() public
Redirects to given $url, after turning off $this->autoRender. Script execution is halted after the redirect.
referer() public
Returns the referring URL for this request. -
render() public
Instantiates the correct view class, hands it its data, and uses it to render the view output. -
scaffoldError() public
This method should be overridden in child classes. If not it will render a scaffold error. Method MUST return true in child classes
set() public
Saves a variable for use inside a view template. -
setAction() public
Internally redirects one action to another. Does not perform another HTTP request unlike Controller::redirect() -
setRequest() public
Sets the request objects and configures a number of controller properties based on the contents of the request. The properties that get set are
shutdownProcess() public
Perform the various shutdown processes for this controller. Fire the Components and Controller callbacks in the correct order.
startupProcess() public
Perform the startup process for this controller. Fire the Components and Controller callbacks in the correct order.
validate() public deprecated
Returns number of errors in a submitted FORM. -
validateErrors() public deprecated
Validates models passed by parameters. Takes a list of models as a variable argument. Example:
Method Detail
__construct() public ¶
__construct( CakeRequest
$request = null , CakeResponse
$response = null )
$request optional null Request object for this controller. Can be null for testing, but expect that features that use the request parameters will not work.
$response optional null - Response object for this controller.
__get() public ¶
__get( string $name )
Provides backwards compatibility access to the request object properties. Also provides the params alias.
- string $name
- The name of the requested value
The requested value for valid variables/aliases else null
__isset() public ¶
__isset( string $name )
Provides backwards compatibility to avoid problems with empty and isset to alias properties. Lazy loads models using the loadModel() method if declared in $uses
- string $name
- Property name to check.
__set() public ¶
__set( string $name , mixed $value )
Provides backwards compatibility access for setting values to the request object.
- string $name
- Property name to set.
- mixed $value
- Value to set.
_afterScaffoldSave() protected deprecated ¶
_afterScaffoldSave( string $method )
Alias to afterScaffoldSave()
- string $method
- Method name.
_afterScaffoldSaveError() protected deprecated ¶
_afterScaffoldSaveError( string $method )
Alias to afterScaffoldSaveError()
- string $method
- Method name.
_beforeScaffold() protected deprecated ¶
_beforeScaffold( string $method )
Alias to beforeScaffold()
- string $method
- Method name.
_getScaffold() protected ¶
_getScaffold( CakeRequest
$request )
Returns a scaffold object to use for dynamically scaffolded controllers.
$request - Request instance.
_isPrivateAction() protected ¶
_isPrivateAction( ReflectionMethod $method , CakeRequest
$request )
Check if the request's action is marked as private, with an underscore, or if the request is attempting to directly accessing a prefixed action.
- ReflectionMethod $method
- The method to be invoked.
$request - The request to check.
_mergeControllerVars() protected ¶
_mergeControllerVars( )
Merge components, helpers, and uses vars from Controller::$_mergeParent and PluginAppController.
_mergeUses() protected ¶
_mergeUses( array $merge )
Helper method for merging the $uses property together.
Merges the elements not already in $this->uses into $this->uses.
- array $merge
- The data to merge in.
_parseBeforeRedirect() protected ¶
_parseBeforeRedirect( mixed $response , string|array $url , integer $status , boolean $exit )
Parse beforeRedirect Response
- mixed $response
- Response from beforeRedirect callback
- string|array $url
- The same value of beforeRedirect
- integer $status
- The same value of beforeRedirect
- boolean $exit
- The same value of beforeRedirect
Array with keys url, status and exit
_scaffoldError() protected deprecated ¶
_scaffoldError( string $method )
Alias to scaffoldError()
- string $method
- Method name.
afterScaffoldSave() public ¶
afterScaffoldSave( string $method )
This method should be overridden in child classes.
- string $method
- name of method called either edit or update.
afterScaffoldSaveError() public ¶
afterScaffoldSaveError( string $method )
This method should be overridden in child classes.
- string $method
- name of method called either edit or update.
beforeFilter() public ¶
beforeFilter( )
Called before the controller action. You can use this method to configure and customize components or perform logic that needs to happen before each controller action.
beforeRedirect() public ¶
beforeRedirect( string|array $url , integer $status = null , boolean $exit = true )
The beforeRedirect method is invoked when the controller's redirect method is called but before any further action.
If this method returns false the controller will not continue on to redirect the request. The $url, $status and $exit variables have same meaning as for the controller's method. You can also return a string which will be interpreted as the URL to redirect to or return associative array with key 'url' and optionally 'status' and 'exit'.
- string|array $url
A string or array-based URL pointing to another location within the app, or an absolute URL
- integer $status optional null
- Optional HTTP status code (eg: 404)
- boolean $exit optional true
- If true, exit() will be called after the redirect
false to stop redirection event, string controllers a new redirection URL or array with the keys url, status and exit to be used by the redirect method.
beforeRender() public ¶
beforeRender( )
Called after the controller action is run, but before the view is rendered. You can use this method to perform logic or set view variables that are required on every request.
beforeScaffold() public ¶
beforeScaffold( string $method )
This method should be overridden in child classes.
- string $method
- name of method called example index, edit, etc.
constructClasses() public ¶
constructClasses( )
Loads Model classes based on the uses property see Controller::loadModel(); for more info. Loads Components and prepares them for initialization.
true if models found and instance created.
disableCache() public deprecated ¶
disableCache( )
Forces the user's browser not to cache the results of the current request.
flash() public deprecated ¶
flash( string $message , string|array $url , integer $pause = 1 , string $layout = 'flash' )
Shows a message to the user for $pause seconds, then redirects to $url. Uses flash.ctp as the default layout for the message. Does not work if the current debug level is higher than 0.
- string $message
- Message to display to the user
- string|array $url
- Relative string or array-based URL to redirect to after the time expires
- integer $pause optional 1
- Time to show the message
- string $layout optional 'flash'
- Layout you want to use, defaults to 'flash'
getEventManager() public ¶
getEventManager( )
Returns the CakeEventManager manager instance that is handling any callbacks. You can use this instance to register any new listeners or callbacks to the controller events, or create your own events and trigger them at will.
header() public deprecated ¶
header( string $status )
Convenience and object wrapper method for CakeResponse::header().
- string $status
- The header message that is being set.
httpCodes() public deprecated ¶
httpCodes( integer|array $code = null )
Queries & sets valid HTTP response codes & messages.
- integer|array $code optional null
If $code is an integer, then the corresponding code/message is returned if it exists, null if it does not exist. If $code is an array, then the 'code' and 'message' keys of each nested array are added to the default HTTP codes. Example:
httpCodes(404); // returns array(404 => 'Not Found') httpCodes(array( 701 => 'Unicorn Moved', 800 => 'Unexpected Minotaur' )); // sets these new values, and returns true
Associative array of the HTTP codes as keys, and the message strings as values, or null of the given $code does not exist.
implementedEvents() public ¶
implementedEvents( )
Returns a list of all events that will fire in the controller during its lifecycle. You can override this function to add your own listener callbacks
Implementation of
invokeAction() public ¶
invokeAction( CakeRequest
$request )
Dispatches the controller action. Checks that the action exists and isn't private.
$request - Request instance.
The resulting response.
When actions are not public or prefixed by _
When actions are not defined and scaffolding is not enabled.
loadModel() public ¶
loadModel( string $modelClass = null , integer|string $id = null )
Loads and instantiates models required by this controller. If the model is non existent, it will throw a missing database table error, as CakePHP generates dynamic models for the time being.
- string $modelClass optional null
- Name of model class to load
- integer|string $id optional null
- Initial ID the instanced model class should have
True if the model was found
paginate() public ¶
paginate( Model
|string $object = null , string|array $scope = array() , array $whitelist = array() )
Handles automatic pagination of model records.
|string $object optional null - Model to paginate (e.g: model instance, or 'Model', or 'Model.InnerModel')
- string|array $scope optional array()
- Conditions to use while paginating
- array $whitelist optional array()
- List of allowed options for paging
Model query results
postConditions() public deprecated ¶
postConditions( array $data = array() , string|array $op = null , string $bool = 'AND' , boolean $exclusive = false )
Converts POST'ed form data to a model conditions array, suitable for use in a Model::find() call.
- array $data optional array()
- POST'ed data organized by model and field
- string|array $op optional null
A string containing an SQL comparison operator, or an array matching operators to fields
- string $bool optional 'AND'
- SQL boolean operator: AND, OR, XOR, etc.
- boolean $exclusive optional false
If true, and $op is an array, fields not included in $op will not be included in the returned conditions
An array of model conditions
redirect() public ¶
redirect( string|array $url , integer|array|null $status = null , boolean $exit = true )
Redirects to given $url, after turning off $this->autoRender. Script execution is halted after the redirect.
- string|array $url
A string or array-based URL pointing to another location within the app, or an absolute URL
- integer|array|null $status optional null
- HTTP status code (eg: 301). Defaults to 302 when null is passed.
- boolean $exit optional true
- If true, exit() will be called after the redirect
referer() public ¶
referer( string $default = null , boolean $local = false )
Returns the referring URL for this request.
- string $default optional null
- Default URL to use if HTTP_REFERER cannot be read from headers
- boolean $local optional false
- If true, restrict referring URLs to local server
Referring URL
render() public ¶
render( string $view = null , string $layout = null )
Instantiates the correct view class, hands it its data, and uses it to render the view output.
- string $view optional null
- View to use for rendering
- string $layout optional null
- Layout to use
scaffoldError() public ¶
scaffoldError( string $method )
This method should be overridden in child classes. If not it will render a scaffold error. Method MUST return true in child classes
- string $method
- name of method called example index, edit, etc.
set() public ¶
set( string|array $one , string|array $two = null )
Saves a variable for use inside a view template.
- string|array $one
- A string or an array of data.
- string|array $two optional null
Value in case $one is a string (which then works as the key). Unused if $one is an associative array, otherwise serves as the values to $one's keys.
setAction() public ¶
setAction( string $action )
Internally redirects one action to another. Does not perform another HTTP request unlike Controller::redirect()
setAction('another_action'); setAction('action_with_parameters', $parameter1);
- string $action
The new action to be 'redirected' to. Any other parameters passed to this method will be passed as parameters to the new action.
Returns the return value of the called action
setRequest() public ¶
setRequest( CakeRequest
$request )
Sets the request objects and configures a number of controller properties based on the contents of the request. The properties that get set are
- $this->request - To the $request parameter
- $this->plugin - To the $request->params['plugin']
- $this->view - To the $request->params['action']
- $this->autoLayout - To the false if $request->params['bare']; is set.
- $this->autoRender - To false if $request->params['return'] == 1
- $this->passedArgs - The the combined results of params['named'] and params['pass]
$request - Request instance.
shutdownProcess() public ¶
shutdownProcess( )
Perform the various shutdown processes for this controller. Fire the Components and Controller callbacks in the correct order.
- triggers the component
callback. - calls the Controller's
startupProcess() public ¶
startupProcess( )
Perform the startup process for this controller. Fire the Components and Controller callbacks in the correct order.
- Initializes components, which fires their
callback - Calls the controller
. - triggers Component
Controller.startup $this
validate() public deprecated ¶
validate( )
Returns number of errors in a submitted FORM.
Number of errors
validateErrors() public deprecated ¶
validateErrors( )
Validates models passed by parameters. Takes a list of models as a variable argument. Example:
$errors = $this->validateErrors($this->Article, $this->User);
Validation errors, or false if none
Methods inherited from CakeObject
_mergeVars() protected ¶
_mergeVars( array $properties , string $class , boolean $normalize = true )
Merges this objects $property with the property in $class' definition. This classes value for the property will be merged on top of $class'
This provides some of the DRY magic CakePHP provides. If you want to shut it off, redefine this method as an empty function.
- array $properties
- The name of the properties to merge.
- string $class
- The class to merge the property with.
- boolean $normalize optional true
- Set to true to run the properties through Hash::normalize() before merging.
_set() protected ¶
_set( array $properties = array() )
Allows setting of multiple properties of the object in a single line of code. Will only set properties that are part of a class declaration.
- array $properties optional array()
- An associative array containing properties and corresponding values.
_stop() protected ¶
_stop( integer|string $status = 0 )
Stop execution of the current script. Wraps exit() making testing easier.
- integer|string $status optional 0
- see for values
dispatchMethod() public ¶
dispatchMethod( string $method , array $params = array() )
Calls a method on this object with the given parameters. Provides an OO wrapper
for call_user_func_array
- string $method
- Name of the method to call
- array $params optional array()
- Parameter list to use when calling $method
Returns the result of the method call
log() public ¶
log( string $msg , integer $type = LOG_ERR , null|string|array $scope = null )
Convenience method to write a message to CakeLog. See CakeLog::write() for more information on writing to logs.
- string $msg
- Log message
- integer $type optional LOG_ERR
- Error type constant. Defined in app/Config/core.php.
- null|string|array $scope optional null
The scope(s) a log message is being created in. See CakeLog::config() for more information on logging scopes.
Success of log write
requestAction() public ¶
requestAction( string|array $url , array $extra = array() )
Calls a controller's method from any location. Can be used to connect controllers together or tie plugins into a main application. requestAction can be used to return rendered views or fetch the return value from controller actions.
Under the hood this method uses Router::reverse() to convert the $url parameter into a string URL. You should use URL formats that are compatible with Router::reverse()
Passing POST and GET data
POST and GET data can be simulated in requestAction. Use $extra['url']
GET data. The $extra['data']
parameter allows POST data simulation.
- string|array $url
String or array-based URL. Unlike other URL arrays in CakePHP, this URL will not automatically handle passed and named arguments in the $url parameter.
- array $extra optional array()
if array includes the key "return" it sets the AutoRender to true. Can also be used to submit GET/POST data, and named/passed arguments.
Boolean true or false on success/failure, or contents of rendered action if 'return' is set in $extra.
toString() public ¶
toString( )
CakeObject-to-string conversion. Each class can override this method as necessary.
The name of this class
Properties detail
$Components ¶
Instance of ComponentCollection used to handle callbacks.
$View ¶
Instance of the View created during rendering. Won't be set until after Controller::render() is called.
$_eventManager ¶
Instance of the CakeEventManager this controller is using to dispatch inner events.
$_mergeParent ¶
The class name of the parent class you wish to merge with. Typically this is AppController, but you may wish to merge vars with a different parent class.
$_responseClass ¶
The class name to use for creating the response object.
$cacheAction ¶
Used to define methods a controller that will be cached. To cache a single action, the value is set to an array containing keys that match action names and values that denote cache expiration times (in seconds).
public $cacheAction = array( 'view/23/' => 21600, 'recalled/' => 86400 );
$cacheAction can also be set to a strtotime() compatible string. This marks all the actions in the controller for view caching.
$components ¶
Array containing the names of components this controller uses. Component names should not contain the "Component" portion of the class name.
Example: public $components = array('Session', 'RequestHandler', 'Acl');
array('Session', 'Flash')
$ext ¶
File extension for view templates. Defaults to CakePHP's conventional ".ctp".
$helpers ¶
An array containing the names of helpers this controller uses. The array elements should not contain the "Helper" part of the class name.
Example: public $helpers = array('Html', 'Js', 'Time', 'Ajax');
$layout ¶
The name of the layout file to render the view inside of. The name specified is the filename of the layout in /app/View/Layouts without the .ctp extension.
$layoutPath ¶
The name of the layouts subfolder containing layouts for this controller.
$methods ¶
Holds current methods of the controller. This is a list of all the methods reachable via URL. Modifying this array will allow you to change which methods can be reached.
$modelClass ¶
This controller's primary model class name, the Inflector::singularize()'ed version of the controller's $name property.
Example: For a controller named 'Comments', the modelClass would be 'Comment'
$modelKey ¶
This controller's model key name, an underscored version of the controller's $modelClass property.
Example: For a controller named 'ArticleComments', the modelKey would be 'article_comment'
$name ¶
The name of this controller. Controller names are plural, named after the model they manipulate.
$request ¶
An instance of a CakeRequest object that contains information about the current request. This object contains all the information about a request and several methods for reading additional information about the request.
$response ¶
An instance of a CakeResponse object that contains information about the impending response
$uses ¶
An array containing the class names of models this controller uses.
Example: public $uses = array('Product', 'Post', 'Comment');
Can be set to several values to express different options:
Use the default inflected model name.array()
Use only models defined in the parent class.false
Use no models at all, do not merge with parent class either.array('Post', 'Comment')
Use only the Post and Comment models. Models Will also be merged with the parent class.
The default value is true
$validationErrors ¶
Holds any validation errors produced by the last call of the validateErrors() method.
$view ¶
The name of the view file to render. The name specified
is the filename in /app/View/