CacheClear command.
CacheClearall command.
CacheList command.
Base class for commands using the full stack CakePHP Framework.
Provide command completion shells such as bash.
Command for interactive I18N management.
Language string extractor
Command for interactive I18N management.
Command for copying plugin assets to app's webroot.
Command for removing plugin assets from app's webroot.
Command for symlinking / copying plugin assets to app's webroot.
Command for loading plugins.
Displays all currently loaded plugins.
Command for unloading plugins.
Provides interactive CLI tool for testing routes.
Provides interactive CLI tools for routing.
Provides interactive CLI tools for URL generation
Provides CLI tool for updating schema cache.
Provides CLI tool for clearing schema cache.
built-in Server command
Print out the version of CakePHP in use.
trait for symlinking / copying plugin assets to app's webroot.