A view class that is used for AJAX responses. Currently, only switches the default layout and sets the response type - which just maps to text/html by default.
Cell base.
Abstract base class for all other Helpers in CakePHP. Provides common methods and features.
HelperRegistry is used as a registry for loaded helpers and handles loading and constructing helper class objects.
A view class that is used for JSON responses.
Parent class for view classes generating serialized outputs like JsonView and XmlView.
Provides an interface for registering and inserting content into simple logic-less string templates.
View, the V in the MVC triad. View interacts with Helpers and view variables passed in from the controller to render the results of the controller action. Often this is HTML, but can also take the form of JSON, XML, PDF's or streaming files.
ViewBlock implements the concept of Blocks or Slots in the View layer. Slots or blocks are combined with extending views and layouts to afford slots of content that are present in a layout or parent view, but are defined by the child view or elements used in the view.
Provides an API for iteratively building a view up.
A view class that is used for creating XML responses.
Provides cell() method for usage in Controller and View classes.
Adds string template functionality to any class by providing methods to load and parse string templates.
Provides the set() method for collecting template context.