Helper for managing test connections
A test case class intended to make integration tests of cake console commands easier.
A test case class intended to make integration tests of your controllers easier.
Class that dispatches to the legacy ShellDispatcher using the same signature as the newer CommandRunner
Allows injecting mock IO into shells
Dispatches a request capturing the response for integration testing purposes into the Cake\Http stack.
Cake TestCase class
Read only access to the session during testing.
A class to contain test cases and run them with shared fixtures
A bundle of methods that makes testing commands and shell classes easier.
A set of methods used for defining container services in test cases.
Make assertions on emails sent through the Cake\TestSuite\TestEmailTransport
Define mock responses and have mocks automatically cleared.
A trait intended to make integration tests of your controllers easier.
Compare a string to the contents of a file
Implements empty default methods for PHPUnit\Framework\TestListener.