Class MediaView
Media View provides a custom view implementation for sending files to visitors. Its great for making the response of a controller action be a file that is saved somewhere on the filesystem.
An example use comes from the CakePHP internals. MediaView is used to serve plugin and theme assets, as they are not normally accessible from an application's webroot. Unlike other views, MediaView uses several viewVars that have special meaning:
The filename on the server's filesystem, including
The filename that will be sent to the user, specified without the
Set to true to set aContent-Disposition
header. This is ideal for file downloads.path
The absolute path, including the trailing / on the server's filesystem toid
The mime type of the file if CakeResponse doesn't know about it. Must be an associative array with extension as key and mime type as value eg. array('ini' => 'text/plain')
class ExampleController extends AppController { public function download() { $this->viewClass = 'Media'; $params = array( 'id' => '', 'name' => 'example', 'download' => true, 'extension' => 'zip', 'path' => APP . 'files' . DS ); $this->set($params); } }
- CakeObject
Deprecated: 3.0.0 Deprecated since version 2.3, use CakeResponse::file() instead
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/View/MediaView.php
Inherited Constants
Inherited Magic Properties
Inherited Properties
Method Summary
render() public deprecated
Display or download the given file
Method Detail
Methods inherited from View
__construct() public ¶
__construct( Controller
$controller = null )
$controller optional null - A controller object to pull View::_passedVars from.
__get() public ¶
__get( string $name )
Magic accessor for helpers. Provides access to attributes that were deprecated.
- string $name
- Name of the attribute to get.
__isset() public ¶
__isset( string $name )
Magic isset check for deprecated attributes.
- string $name
- Name of the attribute to check.
__set() public ¶
__set( string $name , mixed $value )
Magic accessor for deprecated attributes.
- string $name
- Name of the attribute to set.
- mixed $value
- Value of the attribute to set.
_elementCache() protected ¶
_elementCache( string $name , string $data , array $options )
Checks if an element is cached and returns the cached data if present
- string $name
- Element name
- string $data
- Data
- array $options
- Element options
_evaluate() protected ¶
_evaluate( string $viewFile , array $dataForView )
Sandbox method to evaluate a template / view script in.
- string $viewFile
- Filename of the view
- array $dataForView
Data to include in rendered view. If empty the current View::$viewVars will be used.
Rendered output
_getElementFileName() protected ¶
_getElementFileName( string $name )
Finds an element filename, returns false on failure.
- string $name
- The name of the element to find.
Either a string to the element filename or false when one can't be found.
_getExtensions() protected ¶
_getExtensions( )
Get the extensions that view files can use.
Array of extensions view files use.
_getLayoutFileName() protected ¶
_getLayoutFileName( string $name = null )
Returns layout filename for this template as a string.
- string $name optional null
- The name of the layout to find.
Filename for layout file (.ctp).
_getViewFileName() protected ¶
_getViewFileName( string $name = null )
Returns filename of given action's template file (.ctp) as a string. CamelCased action names will be under_scored! This means that you can have LongActionNames that refer to long_action_names.ctp views.
- string $name optional null
- Controller action to find template filename for
Template filename
_paths() protected ¶
_paths( string $plugin = null , boolean $cached = true )
Return all possible paths to find view files in order
- string $plugin optional null
- Optional plugin name to scan for view files.
- boolean $cached optional true
- Set to false to force a refresh of view paths. Default true.
_render() protected ¶
_render( string $viewFile , array $data = array() )
Renders and returns output for given view filename with its array of data. Handles parent/extended views.
- string $viewFile
- Filename of the view
- array $data optional array()
- Data to include in rendered view. If empty the current View::$viewVars will be used.
Rendered output
View.afterRenderFile $this, array($viewFile, $content)
_renderElement() protected ¶
_renderElement( string $file , array $data , array $options )
Renders an element and fires the before and afterRender callbacks for it and writes to the cache if a cache is used
- string $file
- Element file path
- array $data
- Data to render
- array $options
- Element options
View.afterRender $this, array($file, $element)
addScript() public deprecated ¶
addScript( string $name , string $content = null )
Adds a script block or other element to be inserted in $scripts_for_layout in
the <head />
of a document layout
- string $name
Either the key name for the script, or the script content. Name can be used to update/replace a script element.
- string $content optional null
- The content of the script being added, optional.
append() public ¶
append( string $name , mixed $value = null )
Append to an existing or new block. Appending to a new block will create the block.
- string $name
- Name of the block
- mixed $value optional null
- The content for the block.
assign() public ¶
assign( string $name , mixed $value )
Set the content for a block. This will overwrite any existing content.
- string $name
- Name of the block
- mixed $value
- The content for the block.
blocks() public ¶
blocks( )
Get the names of all the existing blocks.
An array containing the blocks.
element() public ¶
element( string $name , array $data = array() , array $options = array() )
Renders a piece of PHP with provided parameters and returns HTML, XML, or any other string.
This realizes the concept of Elements, (or "partial layouts") and the $params array is used to send
data to be used in the element. Elements can be cached improving performance by using the cache
- string $name
Name of template file in the/app/View/Elements/ folder, or
to use the template element from MyPlugin. If the element is not found in the plugin, the normal view path cascade will be searched.- array $data optional array()
- Array of data to be made available to the rendered view (i.e. the Element)
- array $options optional array()
Array of options. Possible keys are: -
- Can either betrue
, to enable caching using the config in View::$elementCache. Or an array If an array, the following keys can be used: -config
- Used to store the cached element in a custom cache configuration. -key
- Used to define the key used in the Cache::write(). It will be prefixed withelement_
- (deprecated!) Load an element from a specific plugin. This option is deprecated, and will be removed in CakePHP 3.0. UsePlugin.element_name
instead. -callbacks
- Set to true to fire beforeRender and afterRender helper callbacks for this element. Defaults to false. -ignoreMissing
- Used to allow missing elements. Set to true to not trigger notices.
Rendered Element
elementExists() public ¶
elementExists( string $name )
Checks if an element exists
- string $name
Name of template file in the /app/View/Elements/ folder, or
to check the template element from MyPlugin. If the element is not found in the plugin, the normal view path cascade will be searched.
exists() public ¶
exists( string $name )
Check if a block exists
- string $name
- Name of the block
extend() public ¶
extend( string $name )
Provides view or element extension/inheritance. Views can extends a parent view and populate blocks in the parent template.
- string $name
- The view or element to 'extend' the current one with.
when you extend a view with itself or make extend loops.
when you extend an element which doesn't exist
fetch() public ¶
fetch( string $name , string $default = '' )
Fetch the content for a block. If a block is empty or undefined '' will be returned.
- string $name
- Name of the block
- string $default optional ''
- Default text
default The block content or $default if the block does not exist.
get() public ¶
get( string $var , mixed $default = null )
Returns the contents of the given View variable.
- string $var
- The view var you want the contents of.
- mixed $default optional null
- The default/fallback content of $var.
The content of the named var if its set, otherwise $default.
getEventManager() public ¶
getEventManager( )
Returns the CakeEventManager manager instance that is handling any callbacks. You can use this instance to register any new listeners or callbacks to the controller events, or create your own events and trigger them at will.
getVar() public deprecated ¶
getVar( string $var )
Returns the contents of the given View variable(s)
- string $var
- The view var you want the contents of.
The content of the named var if its set, otherwise null.
getVars() public ¶
getVars( )
Returns a list of variables available in the current View context
Array of the set view variable names.
loadHelper() public ¶
loadHelper( string $helperName , array $settings = array() )
Loads a helper. Delegates to the HelperCollection::load()
to load the helper
- string $helperName
- Name of the helper to load.
- array $settings optional array()
- Settings for the helper
pluginSplit() public ¶
pluginSplit( string $name , boolean $fallback = true )
Splits a dot syntax plugin name into its plugin and filename. If $name does not have a dot, then index 0 will be null. It checks if the plugin is loaded, else filename will stay unchanged for filenames containing dot
- string $name
- The name you want to plugin split.
- boolean $fallback optional true
- If true uses the plugin set in the current CakeRequest when parsed plugin is not loaded
Array with 2 indexes. 0 => plugin name, 1 => filename
prepend() public ¶
prepend( string $name , mixed $value = null )
Prepend to an existing or new block. Prepending to a new block will create the block.
- string $name
- Name of the block
- mixed $value optional null
- The content for the block.
renderCache() public ¶
renderCache( string $filename , string $timeStart )
Render cached view. Works in concert with CacheHelper and Dispatcher to render cached view files.
- string $filename
- the cache file to include
- string $timeStart
- the page render start time
Success of rendering the cached file.
renderLayout() public ¶
renderLayout( string $content , string $layout = null )
Renders a layout. Returns output from _render(). Returns false on error. Several variables are created for use in layout.
- A backwards compatible place holder, you should set this value if you want more control.content_for_layout
- contains rendered view filescripts_for_layout
- Contains content added with addScript() as well as any content in the 'meta', 'css', and 'script' blocks. They are appended in that order.
Deprecated features:
is deprecated and will be removed in CakePHP 3.0. Use the block features instead.meta
will be populated by the matching methods on HtmlHelper.$title_for_layout
is deprecated and will be removed in CakePHP 3.0. Use thetitle
block instead.$content_for_layout
is deprecated and will be removed in CakePHP 3.0. Use thecontent
block instead.
- string $content
- Content to render in a view, wrapped by the surrounding layout.
- string $layout optional null
- Layout name
Rendered output, or false on error
View.afterLayout $this, array($layoutFileName)
set() public ¶
set( string|array $one , string|array $two = null )
Allows a template or element to set a variable that will be available in a layout or other element. Analogous to Controller::set().
- string|array $one
- A string or an array of data.
- string|array $two optional null
Value in case $one is a string (which then works as the key). Unused if $one is an associative array, otherwise serves as the values to $one's keys.
start() public ¶
start( string $name )
Start capturing output for a 'block'
- string $name
- The name of the block to capture for.
startIfEmpty() public ¶
startIfEmpty( string $name )
Start capturing output for a 'block' if it has no content
- string $name
- The name of the block to capture for.
Methods inherited from CakeObject
_mergeVars() protected ¶
_mergeVars( array $properties , string $class , boolean $normalize = true )
Merges this objects $property with the property in $class' definition. This classes value for the property will be merged on top of $class'
This provides some of the DRY magic CakePHP provides. If you want to shut it off, redefine this method as an empty function.
- array $properties
- The name of the properties to merge.
- string $class
- The class to merge the property with.
- boolean $normalize optional true
- Set to true to run the properties through Hash::normalize() before merging.
_set() protected ¶
_set( array $properties = array() )
Allows setting of multiple properties of the object in a single line of code. Will only set properties that are part of a class declaration.
- array $properties optional array()
- An associative array containing properties and corresponding values.
_stop() protected ¶
_stop( integer|string $status = 0 )
Stop execution of the current script. Wraps exit() making testing easier.
- integer|string $status optional 0
- see for values
dispatchMethod() public ¶
dispatchMethod( string $method , array $params = array() )
Calls a method on this object with the given parameters. Provides an OO wrapper
for call_user_func_array
- string $method
- Name of the method to call
- array $params optional array()
- Parameter list to use when calling $method
Returns the result of the method call
log() public ¶
log( string $msg , integer $type = LOG_ERR , null|string|array $scope = null )
Convenience method to write a message to CakeLog. See CakeLog::write() for more information on writing to logs.
- string $msg
- Log message
- integer $type optional LOG_ERR
- Error type constant. Defined in app/Config/core.php.
- null|string|array $scope optional null
The scope(s) a log message is being created in. See CakeLog::config() for more information on logging scopes.
Success of log write
requestAction() public ¶
requestAction( string|array $url , array $extra = array() )
Calls a controller's method from any location. Can be used to connect controllers together or tie plugins into a main application. requestAction can be used to return rendered views or fetch the return value from controller actions.
Under the hood this method uses Router::reverse() to convert the $url parameter into a string URL. You should use URL formats that are compatible with Router::reverse()
Passing POST and GET data
POST and GET data can be simulated in requestAction. Use $extra['url']
GET data. The $extra['data']
parameter allows POST data simulation.
- string|array $url
String or array-based URL. Unlike other URL arrays in CakePHP, this URL will not automatically handle passed and named arguments in the $url parameter.
- array $extra optional array()
if array includes the key "return" it sets the AutoRender to true. Can also be used to submit GET/POST data, and named/passed arguments.
Boolean true or false on success/failure, or contents of rendered action if 'return' is set in $extra.
toString() public ¶
toString( )
CakeObject-to-string conversion. Each class can override this method as necessary.
The name of this class