Class AssetDispatcher
Filters a request and tests whether it is a file in the webroot folder or not and serves the file to the client if appropriate.
- DispatcherFilter implements CakeEventListener
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/Routing/Filter/AssetDispatcher.php
Properties summary
Default priority for all methods in this filter This filter should run before the request gets parsed by router
Method Summary
_deliverAsset() protected
Sends an asset file to the client -
_filterAsset() protected
Checks if the client is requesting a filtered asset and runs the corresponding filter if any is configured
_getAssetFile() protected
Builds asset file path based off url -
beforeDispatch() public
Checks if a requested asset exists and sends it to the browser
Method Detail
_deliverAsset() protected ¶
_deliverAsset( CakeResponse
$response , string $assetFile , string $ext )
Sends an asset file to the client
$response - The response object to use.
- string $assetFile
- Path to the asset file in the file system
- string $ext
- The extension of the file to determine its mime type
_filterAsset() protected ¶
_filterAsset( CakeEvent
$event )
Checks if the client is requesting a filtered asset and runs the corresponding filter if any is configured
$event - containing the request and response object
_getAssetFile() protected ¶
_getAssetFile( string $url )
Builds asset file path based off url
- string $url
Absolute path for asset file
beforeDispatch() public ¶
beforeDispatch( CakeEvent
$event )
Checks if a requested asset exists and sends it to the browser
$event - containing the request and response object
Methods inherited from DispatcherFilter
afterDispatch() public ¶
afterDispatch( CakeEvent
$event )
Method called after the controller served a request and generated a response. It is possible to alter the response object at this point as it is not sent to the client yet.
If false is returned, the event will be stopped and no more listeners will be notified.
Alternatively you can call $event->stopPropagation()
to achieve the same result.
$event container object having the
keys in the data property.
boolean to stop the event dispatching or null to continue
implementedEvents() public ¶
implementedEvents( )
Returns the list of events this filter listens to.
Dispatcher notifies 2 different events Dispatcher.before
and Dispatcher.after
By default this class will attach preDispatch
and postDispatch
method respectively.
Override this method at will to only listen to the events you are interested in.