Class Multibyte
Multibyte handling methods.
- Object
Copyright: Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: License (
Location: multibyte.php
Properties summary
Holds the case folding values -
Holds an array of Unicode code point ranges -
Holds the current code point range
Method Summary
__codepoint() public
Return the Code points range for Unicode characters -
__find() public
Find the related code folding values for $char -
ascii() public
Converts the decimal value of a multibyte character string to a string
checkMultibyte() public
Check the $string for multibyte characters -
getInstance() public
Gets a reference to the Multibyte object instance -
mimeEncode() public
Prepare a string for mail transport, using the provided encoding -
stripos() public
Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string. -
stristr() public
Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive. -
strlen() public
Get string length. -
strpos() public
Find position of first occurrence of a string. -
strrchr() public
Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another. -
strrichr() public
Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case insensitive. -
strripos() public
Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive -
strrpos() public
Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string. -
strstr() public
Finds first occurrence of a string within another -
strtolower() public
Make a string lowercase -
strtoupper() public
Make a string uppercase -
substr() public
Get part of string -
substrCount() public
Count the number of substring occurrences -
utf8() public
Converts a multibyte character string to the decimal value of the character
Method Detail
__codepoint() public ¶
__codepoint( interger $decimal )
Return the Code points range for Unicode characters
- interger $decimal
__find() public ¶
__find( integer $char , string $type = 'lower' )
Find the related code folding values for $char
- integer $char
- decimal value of character
- string $type optional 'lower'
ascii() public ¶
ascii( array $array )
Converts the decimal value of a multibyte character string to a string
- array $array
checkMultibyte() public ¶
checkMultibyte( string $string )
Check the $string for multibyte characters
- string $string
- value to test
getInstance() public ¶
getInstance( )
Gets a reference to the Multibyte object instance
Multibyte instance
mimeEncode() public ¶
mimeEncode( string $string , string $charset = null , string $newline = "\r\n" )
Prepare a string for mail transport, using the provided encoding
- string $string
- value to encode
- string $charset optional null
- charset to use for encoding. defaults to UTF-8
- string $newline optional "\r\n"
stripos() public ¶
stripos( multi-byte $haystack , multi-byte $needle , integer $offset = 0 )
Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string.
- multi-byte $haystack
- $haystack The string from which to get the position of the first occurrence of $needle.
- multi-byte $needle
- $needle The string to find in $haystack.
- integer $offset optional 0
- The position in $haystack to start searching.
The numeric position of the first occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string, or false if $needle is not found.
stristr() public ¶
stristr( string $haystack , string $needle , boolean $part = false )
Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive.
- string $haystack
- The string from which to get the first occurrence of $needle.
- string $needle
- The string to find in $haystack.
- boolean $part optional false
Determines which portion of $haystack this function returns. If set to true, it returns all of $haystack from the beginning to the first occurrence of $needle. If set to false, it returns all of $haystack from the first occurrence of $needle to the end, Default value is false.
The portion of $haystack, or false if $needle is not found.
strlen() public ¶
strlen( string $string )
Get string length.
- string $string
- The string being checked for length.
The number of characters in string $string
strpos() public ¶
strpos( string $haystack , string $needle , integer $offset = 0 )
Find position of first occurrence of a string.
- string $haystack
- The string being checked.
- string $needle
- The position counted from the beginning of haystack.
- integer $offset optional 0
- The search offset. If it is not specified, 0 is used.
The numeric position of the first occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string. If $needle is not found, it returns false.
strrchr() public ¶
strrchr( string $haystack , string $needle , boolean $part = false )
Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another.
- string $haystack
- The string from which to get the last occurrence of $needle.
- string $needle
- The string to find in $haystack.
- boolean $part optional false
Determines which portion of $haystack this function returns. If set to true, it returns all of $haystack from the beginning to the last occurrence of $needle. If set to false, it returns all of $haystack from the last occurrence of $needle to the end, Default value is false.
The portion of $haystack. or false if $needle is not found.
strrichr() public ¶
strrichr( string $haystack , string $needle , boolean $part = false )
Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case insensitive.
- string $haystack
- The string from which to get the last occurrence of $needle.
- string $needle
- The string to find in $haystack.
- boolean $part optional false
Determines which portion of $haystack this function returns. If set to true, it returns all of $haystack from the beginning to the last occurrence of $needle. If set to false, it returns all of $haystack from the last occurrence of $needle to the end, Default value is false.
The portion of $haystack. or false if $needle is not found.
strripos() public ¶
strripos( string $haystack , string $needle , integer $offset = 0 )
Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
- string $haystack
- The string from which to get the position of the last occurrence of $needle.
- string $needle
- The string to find in $haystack.
- integer $offset optional 0
- The position in $haystack to start searching.
The numeric position of the last occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string, or false if $needle is not found.
strrpos() public ¶
strrpos( string $haystack , string $needle , integer $offset = 0 )
Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string.
- string $haystack
- The string being checked, for the last occurrence of $needle.
- string $needle
- The string to find in $haystack.
- integer $offset optional 0
May be specified to begin searching an arbitrary number of characters into the string. Negative values will stop searching at an arbitrary point prior to the end of the string.
The numeric position of the last occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string. If $needle is not found, it returns false.
strstr() public ¶
strstr( string $haystack , string $needle , boolean $part = false )
Finds first occurrence of a string within another
- string $haystack
- The string from which to get the first occurrence of $needle.
- string $needle
- The string to find in $haystack
- boolean $part optional false
Determines which portion of $haystack this function returns. If set to true, it returns all of $haystack from the beginning to the first occurrence of $needle. If set to false, it returns all of $haystack from the first occurrence of $needle to the end, Default value is FALSE.
The portion of $haystack, or true if $needle is not found.
strtolower() public ¶
strtolower( string $string )
Make a string lowercase
- string $string
- The string being lowercased.
with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase.
strtoupper() public ¶
strtoupper( string $string , string $encoding ,… )
Make a string uppercase
- string $string
- The string being uppercased.
- string $encoding ,…
- Character encoding name to use. If it is omitted, internal character encoding is used.
with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase.
substr() public ¶
substr( string $string , integer $start , integer $length = null )
Get part of string
- string $string
- The string being checked.
- integer $start
- The first position used in $string.
- integer $length optional null
- The maximum length of the returned string.
The portion of $string specified by the $string and $length parameters.
substrCount() public ¶
substrCount( string $haystack , string $needle )
Count the number of substring occurrences
- string $haystack
- The string being checked.
- string $needle
- The string being found.
The number of times the $needle substring occurs in the $haystack string.
Methods inherited from Object
Object() public ¶
Object( )
A hack to support __construct() on PHP 4 Hint: descendant classes have no PHP4 class_name() constructors, so this constructor gets called first and calls the top-layer __construct() which (if present) should call parent::__construct()
__openPersistent() public ¶
__openPersistent( string $name , string $type = null )
Open the persistent class file for reading Used by Object::_persist()
- string $name
- Name of persisted class
- string $type optional null
- Type of persistance (e.g: registry)
_persist() public ¶
_persist( string $name , string $return , $object , $type = null )
Checks for a persistent class file, if found file is opened and true returned If file is not found a file is created and false returned If used in other locations of the model you should choose a unique name for the persistent file There are many uses for this method, see manual for examples
- string $name
- name of the class to persist
- string $return
- $object the object to persist
- $object
- $type optional null
_savePersistent() public ¶
_savePersistent( string $name , object $object )
You should choose a unique name for the persistent file
There are many uses for this method, see manual for examples
- string $name
- name used for object to cache
- object $object
- the object to persist
true on save, throws error if file can not be created
_set() public ¶
_set( array $properties = array() )
Allows setting of multiple properties of the object in a single line of code. Will only set properties that are part of a class declaration.
- array $properties optional array()
- An associative array containing properties and corresponding values.
_stop() public ¶
_stop( $status = 0 )
Stop execution of the current script. Wraps exit() making testing easier.
- $status optional 0
- for values
cakeError() public ¶
cakeError( string $method , array $messages = array() )
Used to report user friendly errors. If there is a file app/error.php or app/app_error.php this file will be loaded error.php is the AppError class it should extend ErrorHandler class.
- string $method
- Method to be called in the error class (AppError or ErrorHandler classes)
- array $messages optional array()
- Message that is to be displayed by the error class
dispatchMethod() public ¶
dispatchMethod( string $method , array $params = array() )
Calls a method on this object with the given parameters. Provides an OO wrapper
for call_user_func_array
- string $method
- Name of the method to call
- array $params optional array()
- Parameter list to use when calling $method
Returns the result of the method call
log() public ¶
log( string $msg , integer $type = LOG_ERROR )
Convience method to write a message to CakeLog. See CakeLog::write() for more information on writing to logs.
- string $msg
- Log message
- integer $type optional LOG_ERROR
- Error type constant. Defined in app/config/core.php.
Success of log write
requestAction() public ¶
requestAction( mixed $url , array $extra = array() )
Calls a controller's method from any location. Can be used to connect controllers together or tie plugins into a main application. requestAction can be used to return rendered views or fetch the return value from controller actions.
- mixed $url
- String or array-based url.
- array $extra optional array()
- if array includes the key "return" it sets the AutoRender to true.
Boolean true or false on success/failure, or contents of rendered action if 'return' is set in $extra.
toString() public ¶
toString( )
Object-to-string conversion. Each class can override this method as necessary.
The name of this class