Class ErrorHandler
Error Handler.
Captures and handles all cakeError() calls. Displays helpful framework errors when debug > 1. When debug < 1 cakeError() will render 404 or 500 errors.
- Object
Copyright: Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: License (
Location: error.php
Properties summary
publicController instance.
Method Summary
__construct() public
Class constructor. -
_outputMessage() public
Output message -
error() public
Displays an error page (e.g. 404 Not found). -
error404() public
Convenience method to display a 404 page. -
error500() public
Convenience method to display a 500 page. -
missingAction() public
Renders the Missing Action web page. -
missingBehaviorClass() public
Renders the Missing Behavior class web page. -
missingBehaviorFile() public
Renders the Missing Behavior file web page. -
missingComponentClass() public
Renders the Missing Component class web page. -
missingComponentFile() public
Renders the Missing Component file web page. -
missingConnection() public
Renders the Database Connection web page. -
missingController() public
Renders the Missing Controller web page. -
missingDatabase() public
Renders the Missing Database web page. -
missingHelperClass() public
Renders the Missing Helper class web page. -
missingHelperFile() public
Renders the Missing Helper file web page. -
missingLayout() public
Renders the Missing Layout web page. -
missingModel() public
Renders the Missing Model class web page. -
missingTable() public
Renders the Missing Table web page. -
missingView() public
Renders the Missing View web page. -
privateAction() public
Renders the Private Action web page.
Method Detail
__construct() public ¶
__construct( string $method , array $messages )
Class constructor.
- string $method
- Method producing the error
- array $messages
- Error messages
error() public ¶
error( array $params )
Displays an error page (e.g. 404 Not found).
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
error404() public ¶
error404( array $params )
Convenience method to display a 404 page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
error500() public ¶
error500( array $params )
Convenience method to display a 500 page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingAction() public ¶
missingAction( array $params )
Renders the Missing Action web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingBehaviorClass() public ¶
missingBehaviorClass( array $params )
Renders the Missing Behavior class web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingBehaviorFile() public ¶
missingBehaviorFile( array $params )
Renders the Missing Behavior file web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingComponentClass() public ¶
missingComponentClass( array $params )
Renders the Missing Component class web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingComponentFile() public ¶
missingComponentFile( array $params )
Renders the Missing Component file web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingConnection() public ¶
missingConnection( array $params )
Renders the Database Connection web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingController() public ¶
missingController( array $params )
Renders the Missing Controller web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingDatabase() public ¶
missingDatabase( array $params = array() )
Renders the Missing Database web page.
- array $params optional array()
- Parameters for controller
missingHelperClass() public ¶
missingHelperClass( array $params )
Renders the Missing Helper class web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingHelperFile() public ¶
missingHelperFile( array $params )
Renders the Missing Helper file web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingLayout() public ¶
missingLayout( array $params )
Renders the Missing Layout web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingModel() public ¶
missingModel( unknown_type $params )
Renders the Missing Model class web page.
- unknown_type $params
- Parameters for controller
missingTable() public ¶
missingTable( array $params )
Renders the Missing Table web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
missingView() public ¶
missingView( array $params )
Renders the Missing View web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
privateAction() public ¶
privateAction( array $params )
Renders the Private Action web page.
- array $params
- Parameters for controller
Methods inherited from Object
Object() public ¶
Object( )
A hack to support __construct() on PHP 4 Hint: descendant classes have no PHP4 class_name() constructors, so this constructor gets called first and calls the top-layer __construct() which (if present) should call parent::__construct()
__openPersistent() public ¶
__openPersistent( string $name , string $type = null )
Open the persistent class file for reading Used by Object::_persist()
- string $name
- Name of persisted class
- string $type optional null
- Type of persistance (e.g: registry)
_persist() public ¶
_persist( string $name , string $return , $object , $type = null )
Checks for a persistent class file, if found file is opened and true returned If file is not found a file is created and false returned If used in other locations of the model you should choose a unique name for the persistent file There are many uses for this method, see manual for examples
- string $name
- name of the class to persist
- string $return
- $object the object to persist
- $object
- $type optional null
_savePersistent() public ¶
_savePersistent( string $name , object $object )
You should choose a unique name for the persistent file
There are many uses for this method, see manual for examples
- string $name
- name used for object to cache
- object $object
- the object to persist
true on save, throws error if file can not be created
_set() public ¶
_set( array $properties = array() )
Allows setting of multiple properties of the object in a single line of code. Will only set properties that are part of a class declaration.
- array $properties optional array()
- An associative array containing properties and corresponding values.
_stop() public ¶
_stop( $status = 0 )
Stop execution of the current script. Wraps exit() making testing easier.
- $status optional 0
- for values
cakeError() public ¶
cakeError( string $method , array $messages = array() )
Used to report user friendly errors. If there is a file app/error.php or app/app_error.php this file will be loaded error.php is the AppError class it should extend ErrorHandler class.
- string $method
- Method to be called in the error class (AppError or ErrorHandler classes)
- array $messages optional array()
- Message that is to be displayed by the error class
dispatchMethod() public ¶
dispatchMethod( string $method , array $params = array() )
Calls a method on this object with the given parameters. Provides an OO wrapper
for call_user_func_array
- string $method
- Name of the method to call
- array $params optional array()
- Parameter list to use when calling $method
Returns the result of the method call
log() public ¶
log( string $msg , integer $type = LOG_ERROR )
Convience method to write a message to CakeLog. See CakeLog::write() for more information on writing to logs.
- string $msg
- Log message
- integer $type optional LOG_ERROR
- Error type constant. Defined in app/config/core.php.
Success of log write
requestAction() public ¶
requestAction( mixed $url , array $extra = array() )
Calls a controller's method from any location. Can be used to connect controllers together or tie plugins into a main application. requestAction can be used to return rendered views or fetch the return value from controller actions.
- mixed $url
- String or array-based url.
- array $extra optional array()
- if array includes the key "return" it sets the AutoRender to true.
Boolean true or false on success/failure, or contents of rendered action if 'return' is set in $extra.
toString() public ¶
toString( )
Object-to-string conversion. Each class can override this method as necessary.
The name of this class