Class TreeBehavior
Tree Behavior.
Enables a model object to act as a node-based tree. Using Modified Preorder Tree Traversal
- Object
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/Model/Behavior/TreeBehavior.php
Properties summary
Defaults -
Used to preserve state between delete callbacks. -
Inherited Properties
Method Summary
_getMax() protected
get the maximum index value in the table. -
_getMin() protected
get the minimum index value in the table. -
_getNode() protected
Returns a single node from the tree from its primary key -
_getOptions() protected
Convenience method to create default find() options from $arg when it is an associative array.
_recoverByParentId() protected
_recoverByParentId -
_setChildrenLevel() protected
Set level for descendents. -
_setParent() protected
Sets the parent of the given node -
_sync() protected
Table sync method. -
afterDelete() public
After delete method. -
afterSave() public
After save method. Called after all saves -
beforeDelete() public
Stores the record about to be deleted. -
beforeFind() public
Runs before a find() operation -
beforeSave() public
Before save method. Called before all saves -
childCount() public
Get the number of child nodes -
children() public
Get the child nodes of the current model -
formatTreeList() public
Formats result of a find() call to a hierarchical array used for HTML select boxes. -
generateTreeList() public
A convenience method for returning a hierarchical array used for HTML select boxes -
getLevel() public
Returns the depth level of a node in the tree. -
getParentNode() public
Get the parent node -
getPath() public
Get the path to the given node -
moveDown() public
Reorder the node without changing the parent. -
moveUp() public
Reorder the node without changing the parent. -
recover() public
Recover a corrupted tree -
removeFromTree() public
Remove the current node from the tree, and reparent all children up one level. -
reorder() public
Reorder method. -
setup() public
Initiate Tree behavior -
verify() public
Check if the current tree is valid.
Method Detail
_getMax() protected ¶
_getMax( Model
$Model , string $scope , string $right , integer $recursive = -1 , boolean $created = false )
get the maximum index value in the table.
$Model - Model Instance.
- string $scope
- Scoping conditions.
- string $right
- Right value
- integer $recursive optional -1
- Recursive find value.
- boolean $created optional false
- Whether it's a new record.
_getMin() protected ¶
_getMin( Model
$Model , string $scope , string $left , integer $recursive = -1 )
get the minimum index value in the table.
$Model - Model instance.
- string $scope
- Scoping conditions.
- string $left
- Left value.
- integer $recursive optional -1
- Recurursive find value.
_getNode() protected ¶
_getNode( Model
$Model , integer|string $id )
Returns a single node from the tree from its primary key
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string $id
- The ID of the record to read
The record read or false
_getOptions() protected ¶
_getOptions( array $arg )
Convenience method to create default find() options from $arg when it is an associative array.
- array $arg
- Array
Options array
_recoverByParentId() protected ¶
_recoverByParentId( Model
$Model , integer $counter = 1 , integer|string|null $parentId = null )
Recursive helper function used by recover
$Model - Model instance.
- integer $counter optional 1
- Counter
- integer|string|null $parentId optional null
- Parent record Id
_setChildrenLevel() protected ¶
_setChildrenLevel( Model
$Model , integer|string $id )
Set level for descendents.
$Model - Model using this behavior.
- integer|string $id
- Record ID
_setParent() protected ¶
_setParent( Model
$Model , integer|string|null $parentId = null , boolean $created = false )
Sets the parent of the given node
The force parameter is used to override the "don't change the parent to the current parent" logic in the event of recovering a corrupted table, or creating new nodes. Otherwise it should always be false. In reality this method could be private, since calling save with parent_id set also calls setParent
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string|null $parentId optional null
- Parent record Id
- boolean $created optional false
- True if newly created record else false.
true on success, false on failure
_sync() protected ¶
_sync( Model
$Model , integer $shift , string $dir = '+' , array $conditions = array() , boolean $created = false , string $field = 'both' )
Table sync method.
Handles table sync operations, Taking account of the behavior scope.
$Model - Model instance.
- integer $shift
- Shift by.
- string $dir optional '+'
- Direction.
- array $conditions optional array()
- Conditions.
- boolean $created optional false
- Whether it's a new record.
- string $field optional 'both'
- Field type.
afterDelete() public ¶
afterDelete( Model
$Model )
After delete method.
Will delete the current node and all children using the deleteAll method and sync the table
$Model - Model using this behavior
true to continue, false to abort the delete
afterSave() public ¶
afterSave( Model
$Model , boolean $created , array $options = array() )
After save method. Called after all saves
Overridden to transparently manage setting the lft and rght fields if and only if the parent field is included in the parameters to be saved.
$Model - Model using this behavior.
- boolean $created
- indicates whether the node just saved was created or updated
- array $options optional array()
- Options passed from Model::save().
true on success, false on failure
beforeDelete() public ¶
beforeDelete( Model
$Model , boolean $cascade = true )
Stores the record about to be deleted.
This is used to delete child nodes in the afterDelete.
$Model - Model using this behavior.
- boolean $cascade optional true
- If true records that depend on this record will also be deleted
beforeFind() public ¶
beforeFind( Model
$Model , array $query )
Runs before a find() operation
$Model - Model using the behavior
- array $query
- Query parameters as set by cake
beforeSave() public ¶
beforeSave( Model
$Model , array $options = array() )
Before save method. Called before all saves
Overridden to transparently manage setting the lft and rght fields if and only if the parent field is included in the parameters to be saved. For newly created nodes with NO parent the left and right field values are set directly by this method bypassing the setParent logic.
$Model - Model using this behavior
- array $options optional array()
- Options passed from Model::save().
true to continue, false to abort the save
childCount() public ¶
childCount( Model
$Model , integer|string|boolean $id = null , boolean $direct = false )
Get the number of child nodes
If the direct parameter is set to true, only the direct children are counted (based upon the parent_id field) If false is passed for the id parameter, all top level nodes are counted, or all nodes are counted.
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string|boolean $id optional null
- The ID of the record to read or false to read all top level nodes
- boolean $direct optional false
- whether to count direct, or all, children
number of child nodes
children() public ¶
children( Model
$Model , integer|string $id = null , boolean $direct = false , string|array $fields = null , string $order = null , integer $limit = null , integer $page = 1 , integer $recursive = null )
Get the child nodes of the current model
If the direct parameter is set to true, only the direct children are returned (based upon the parent_id field) If false is passed for the id parameter, top level, or all (depending on direct parameter appropriate) are counted.
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string $id optional null
- The ID of the record to read
- boolean $direct optional false
- whether to return only the direct, or all, children
- string|array $fields optional null
- Either a single string of a field name, or an array of field names
- string $order optional null
- SQL ORDER BY conditions (e.g. "price DESC" or "name ASC") defaults to the tree order
- integer $limit optional null
- SQL LIMIT clause, for calculating items per page.
- integer $page optional 1
- Page number, for accessing paged data
- integer $recursive optional null
- The number of levels deep to fetch associated records
Array of child nodes
formatTreeList() public ¶
formatTreeList( Model
$Model , array $results , array $options = array() )
Formats result of a find() call to a hierarchical array used for HTML select boxes.
Note that when using your own find() call this expects the order to be "left" field asc in order to generate the same result as using generateTreeList() directly.
- 'keyPath': A string path to the key, i.e. "{n}"
- 'valuePath': A string path to the value, i.e. "{n}.Post.title"
- 'spacer': The character or characters which will be repeated
$Model - Model using this behavior
- array $results
- Result array of a find() call
- array $options optional array()
- Options
An associative array of records, where the id is the key, and the display field is the value
generateTreeList() public ¶
generateTreeList( Model
$Model , string|array $conditions = null , string $keyPath = null , string $valuePath = null , string $spacer = '_' , integer $recursive = null )
A convenience method for returning a hierarchical array used for HTML select boxes
$Model - Model using this behavior
- string|array $conditions optional null
- SQL conditions as a string or as an array('field' =>'value',...)
- string $keyPath optional null
- A string path to the key, i.e. "{n}"
- string $valuePath optional null
- A string path to the value, i.e. "{n}.Post.title"
- string $spacer optional '_'
- The character or characters which will be repeated
- integer $recursive optional null
- The number of levels deep to fetch associated records
An associative array of records, where the id is the key, and the display field is the value
getLevel() public ¶
getLevel( Model
$Model , integer|string|null $id = null )
Returns the depth level of a node in the tree.
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string|null $id optional null
- The primary key for record to get the level of.
Integer of the level or false if the node does not exist.
getParentNode() public ¶
getParentNode( Model
$Model , integer|string $id = null , string|array $fields = null , integer $recursive = null )
Get the parent node
reads the parent id and returns this node
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string $id optional null
- The ID of the record to read
- string|array $fields optional null
- Fields to get
- integer $recursive optional null
- The number of levels deep to fetch associated records
Array of data for the parent node
getPath() public ¶
getPath( Model
$Model , integer|string|null $id = null , string|array|null $fields = null , integer|null $recursive = null )
Get the path to the given node
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string|null $id optional null
- The ID of the record to read
- string|array|null $fields optional null
- Either a single string of a field name, or an array of field names
- integer|null $recursive optional null
- The number of levels deep to fetch associated records
Array of nodes from top most parent to current node
moveDown() public ¶
moveDown( Model
$Model , integer|string|null $id = null , integer|boolean $number = 1 )
Reorder the node without changing the parent.
If the node is the last child, or is a top level node with no subsequent node this method will return false
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string|null $id optional null
- The ID of the record to move
- integer|boolean $number optional 1
- how many places to move the node or true to move to last position
true on success, false on failure
moveUp() public ¶
moveUp( Model
$Model , integer|string|null $id = null , integer|boolean $number = 1 )
Reorder the node without changing the parent.
If the node is the first child, or is a top level node with no previous node this method will return false
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string|null $id optional null
- The ID of the record to move
- integer|boolean $number optional 1
- how many places to move the node, or true to move to first position
true on success, false on failure
recover() public ¶
recover( Model
$Model , string $mode = 'parent' , string|integer|null $missingParentAction = null )
Recover a corrupted tree
The mode parameter is used to specify the source of info that is valid/correct. The opposite source of data will be populated based upon that source of info. E.g. if the MPTT fields are corrupt or empty, with the $mode 'parent' the values of the parent_id field will be used to populate the left and right fields. The missingParentAction parameter only applies to "parent" mode and determines what to do if the parent field contains an id that is not present.
$Model - Model using this behavior
- string $mode optional 'parent'
- parent or tree
- string|integer|null $missingParentAction optional null
'return' to do nothing and return, 'delete' to delete, or the id of the parent to set as the parent_id
true on success, false on failure
removeFromTree() public ¶
removeFromTree( Model
$Model , integer|string|null $id = null , boolean $delete = false )
Remove the current node from the tree, and reparent all children up one level.
If the parameter delete is false, the node will become a new top level node. Otherwise the node will be deleted after the children are reparented.
$Model - Model using this behavior
- integer|string|null $id optional null
- The ID of the record to remove
- boolean $delete optional false
- whether to delete the node after reparenting children (if any)
true on success, false on failure
reorder() public ¶
reorder( Model
$Model , array $options = array() )
Reorder method.
Reorders the nodes (and child nodes) of the tree according to the field and direction specified in the parameters. This method does not change the parent of any node.
Requires a valid tree, by default it verifies the tree before beginning.
- 'id' id of record to use as top node for reordering
- 'field' Which field to use in reordering defaults to displayField
- 'order' Direction to order either DESC or ASC (defaults to ASC)
- 'verify' Whether or not to verify the tree before reorder. defaults to true.
$Model - Model using this behavior
- array $options optional array()
- array of options to use in reordering.
true on success, false on failure
setup() public ¶
setup( Model
$Model , array $config = array() )
Initiate Tree behavior
$Model - using this behavior of model
- array $config optional array()
- array of configuration settings.
verify() public ¶
verify( Model
$Model )
Check if the current tree is valid.
Returns true if the tree is valid otherwise an array of (type, incorrect left/right index, message)
$Model - Model using this behavior
true if the tree is valid or empty, otherwise an array of (error type [index, node], [incorrect left/right index,node id], message)
Methods inherited from ModelBehavior
_addToWhitelist() protected ¶
_addToWhitelist( Model
$model , string $field )
If $model's whitelist property is non-empty, $field will be added to it. Note: this method should only be used in beforeValidate or beforeSave to ensure that it only modifies the whitelist for the current save operation. Also make sure you explicitly set the value of the field which you are allowing.
$model - Model using this behavior
- string $field
- Field to be added to $model's whitelist
afterFind() public ¶
afterFind( Model
$model , mixed $results , boolean $primary = false )
After find callback. Can be used to modify any results returned by find.
$model - Model using this behavior
- mixed $results
- The results of the find operation
- boolean $primary optional false
- Whether this model is being queried directly (vs. being queried as an association)
An array value will replace the value of $results - any other value will be ignored.
afterValidate() public ¶
afterValidate( Model
$model )
afterValidate is called just after model data was validated, you can use this callback to perform any data cleanup or preparation if needed
$model - Model using this behavior
False will stop this event from being passed to other behaviors
beforeValidate() public ¶
beforeValidate( Model
$model , array $options = array() )
beforeValidate is called before a model is validated, you can use this callback to add behavior validation rules into a models validate array. Returning false will allow you to make the validation fail.
$model - Model using this behavior
- array $options optional array()
- Options passed from Model::save().
False or null will abort the operation. Any other result will continue.
Methods inherited from Object
_mergeVars() protected ¶
_mergeVars( array $properties , string $class , boolean $normalize = true )
Merges this objects $property with the property in $class' definition. This classes value for the property will be merged on top of $class'
This provides some of the DRY magic CakePHP provides. If you want to shut it off, redefine this method as an empty function.
- array $properties
- The name of the properties to merge.
- string $class
- The class to merge the property with.
- boolean $normalize optional true
- Set to true to run the properties through Hash::normalize() before merging.
_set() protected ¶
_set( array $properties = array() )
Allows setting of multiple properties of the object in a single line of code. Will only set properties that are part of a class declaration.
- array $properties optional array()
- An associative array containing properties and corresponding values.
_stop() protected ¶
_stop( integer|string $status = 0 )
Stop execution of the current script. Wraps exit() making testing easier.
- integer|string $status optional 0
- see for values
dispatchMethod() public ¶
dispatchMethod( string $method , array $params = array() )
Calls a method on this object with the given parameters. Provides an OO wrapper
for call_user_func_array
- string $method
- Name of the method to call
- array $params optional array()
- Parameter list to use when calling $method
Returns the result of the method call
log() public ¶
log( string $msg , integer $type = LOG_ERR , null|string|array $scope = null )
Convenience method to write a message to CakeLog. See CakeLog::write() for more information on writing to logs.
- string $msg
- Log message
- integer $type optional LOG_ERR
- Error type constant. Defined in app/Config/core.php.
- null|string|array $scope optional null
The scope(s) a log message is being created in. See CakeLog::config() for more information on logging scopes.
Success of log write
requestAction() public ¶
requestAction( string|array $url , array $extra = array() )
Calls a controller's method from any location. Can be used to connect controllers together or tie plugins into a main application. requestAction can be used to return rendered views or fetch the return value from controller actions.
Under the hood this method uses Router::reverse() to convert the $url parameter into a string URL. You should use URL formats that are compatible with Router::reverse()
Passing POST and GET data
POST and GET data can be simulated in requestAction. Use $extra['url']
GET data. The $extra['data']
parameter allows POST data simulation.
- string|array $url
String or array-based URL. Unlike other URL arrays in CakePHP, this URL will not automatically handle passed and named arguments in the $url parameter.
- array $extra optional array()
if array includes the key "return" it sets the AutoRender to true. Can also be used to submit GET/POST data, and named/passed arguments.
Boolean true or false on success/failure, or contents of rendered action if 'return' is set in $extra.
toString() public ¶
toString( )
Object-to-string conversion. Each class can override this method as necessary.
The name of this class
Properties detail
$_defaults ¶
array( 'parent' => 'parent_id', 'left' => 'lft', 'right' => 'rght', 'level' => null, 'scope' => '1 = 1', 'type' => 'nested', '__parentChange' => false, 'recursive' => -1 )