Class UpgradeShell
A shell class to help developers upgrade applications to CakePHP 2.0
- AppShell
Copyright: Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: License (
Location: Cake/Console/Command/UpgradeShell.php
Properties summary
Method Summary
_filesRegexpUpdate() protected
Updates files based on regular expressions. -
_findFiles() protected
Searches the paths and finds files based on extension. -
_moveAppClasses() protected
Move the AppController, and AppModel classes. -
_movePhpFiles() protected
Move application php files to where they now should be -
_moveViewFiles() protected
Move application views files to where they now should be -
_updateFile() protected
Update a single file. -
all() public
Run all upgrade steps one at a time -
basics() public
Upgrade the removed basics functions. -
components() public
Update components. -
configure() public
Update Configure::read() calls with no params. -
constants() public
constants -
exceptions() public
Replace cakeError with built-in exceptions. NOTE: this ignores calls where you've passed your own secondary parameters to cakeError().
getOptionParser() public
get the option parser -
helpers() public
Update helpers. -
i18n() public
Update i18n. -
locations() public
Move files and folders to their new homes -
request() public
Update the properties moved to CakeRequest. -
startup() public
Shell startup, prints info message about dry run. -
tests() public
Update tests.
Method Detail
_filesRegexpUpdate() protected ¶
_filesRegexpUpdate( array $patterns )
Updates files based on regular expressions.
- array $patterns
- Array of search and replacement patterns.
_findFiles() protected ¶
_findFiles( string $extensions = '' )
Searches the paths and finds files based on extension.
- string $extensions optional ''
_movePhpFiles() protected ¶
_movePhpFiles( mixed $path , mixed $options )
Move application php files to where they now should be
Find all php files in the folder (honoring recursive) and determine where cake expects the file to be If the file is not exactly where cake expects it - move it.
- mixed $path
- mixed $options
- array(recursive, checkFolder)
_moveViewFiles() protected ¶
_moveViewFiles( )
Move application views files to where they now should be
Find all view files in the folder and determine where cake expects the file to be
_updateFile() protected ¶
_updateFile( string $file , array $patterns )
Update a single file.
- string $file
- The file to update
- array $patterns
- The replacement patterns to run.
basics() public ¶
basics( )
Upgrade the removed basics functions.
- a() -> array()
- e(*) -> echo *
- ife(*, *, ) -> !empty() ? * : *
- a() -> array()
- r(*, *, ) -> str_replace(, *, *)
- up() -> strtoupper()
- low(*, *, ) -> strtolower()
- getMicrotime() -> microtime(true)
components() public ¶
components( )
Update components.
- Make components that extend Object to extend Component.
exceptions() public ¶
exceptions( )
Replace cakeError with built-in exceptions. NOTE: this ignores calls where you've passed your own secondary parameters to cakeError().
i18n() public ¶
i18n( )
Update i18n.
- Removes extra true param.
- Add the echo to __*() calls that didn't need them before.
locations() public ¶
locations( )
Move files and folders to their new homes
Moves folders containing files which cannot necessarily be auto-detected (libs and templates) and then looks for all php files except vendors, and moves them to where Cake 2.0 expects to find them.
Properties detail
$_map ¶
array( 'Controller' => 'Controller', 'Component' => 'Controller/Component', 'Model' => 'Model', 'Behavior' => 'Model/Behavior', 'Datasource' => 'Model/Datasource', 'Dbo' => 'Model/Datasource/Database', 'View' => 'View', 'Helper' => 'View/Helper', 'Shell' => 'Console/Command', 'Task' => 'Console/Command/Task', 'Case' => 'Test/Case', 'Fixture' => 'Test/Fixture', 'Error' => 'Lib/Error', )