1: <?php
2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17:
19: App::uses('AppShell', 'Console/Command');
20: App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
22: 23: 24: 25: 26:
27: class UpgradeShell extends AppShell {
29: 30: 31: 32: 33:
34: protected $_files = array();
36: 37: 38: 39: 40:
41: protected $_paths = array();
43: 44: 45: 46: 47:
48: protected $_map = array(
49: 'Controller' => 'Controller',
50: 'Component' => 'Controller/Component',
51: 'Model' => 'Model',
52: 'Behavior' => 'Model/Behavior',
53: 'Datasource' => 'Model/Datasource',
54: 'Dbo' => 'Model/Datasource/Database',
55: 'View' => 'View',
56: 'Helper' => 'View/Helper',
57: 'Shell' => 'Console/Command',
58: 'Task' => 'Console/Command/Task',
59: 'Case' => 'Test/Case',
60: 'Fixture' => 'Test/Fixture',
61: 'Error' => 'Lib/Error',
62: );
64: 65: 66: 67: 68:
69: public function startup() {
70: parent::startup();
71: if ($this->params['dry-run']) {
72: $this->out(__d('cake_console', '<warning>Dry-run mode enabled!</warning>'), 1, Shell::QUIET);
73: }
74: if ($this->params['git'] && !is_dir('.git')) {
75: $this->out(__d('cake_console', '<warning>No git repository detected!</warning>'), 1, Shell::QUIET);
76: }
77: }
79: 80: 81: 82: 83:
84: public function all() {
85: foreach ($this->OptionParser->subcommands() as $command) {
86: $name = $command->name();
87: if ($name === 'all') {
88: continue;
89: }
90: $this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Running %s', $name));
91: $this->$name();
92: }
93: }
95: 96: 97: 98: 99: 100: 101:
102: public function tests() {
103: $this->_paths = array(APP . 'tests' . DS);
104: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
105: $this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']) . 'tests' . DS);
106: }
107: $patterns = array(
108: array(
109: '*TestCase extends CakeTestCase to *Test extends CakeTestCase',
110: '/([a-zA-Z]*Test)Case extends CakeTestCase/',
111: '\1 extends CakeTestCase'
112: ),
113: );
115: $this->_filesRegexpUpdate($patterns);
116: }
118: 119: 120: 121: 122: 123: 124: 125: 126:
127: public function locations() {
128: $cwd = getcwd();
130: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
131: chdir(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']));
132: }
134: if (is_dir('plugins')) {
135: $Folder = new Folder('plugins');
136: list($plugins) = $Folder->read();
137: foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
138: chdir($cwd . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $plugin);
139: $this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Upgrading locations for plugin %s', $plugin));
140: $this->locations();
141: }
142: $this->_files = array();
143: chdir($cwd);
144: $this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Upgrading locations for app directory'));
145: }
146: $moves = array(
147: 'config' => 'Config',
148: 'Config' . DS . 'schema' => 'Config' . DS . 'Schema',
149: 'libs' => 'Lib',
150: 'tests' => 'Test',
151: 'views' => 'View',
152: 'models' => 'Model',
153: 'Model' . DS . 'behaviors' => 'Model' . DS . 'Behavior',
154: 'Model' . DS . 'datasources' => 'Model' . DS . 'Datasource',
155: 'Test' . DS . 'cases' => 'Test' . DS . 'Case',
156: 'Test' . DS . 'fixtures' => 'Test' . DS . 'Fixture',
157: 'vendors' . DS . 'shells' . DS . 'templates' => 'Console' . DS . 'Templates',
158: );
159: foreach ($moves as $old => $new) {
160: if (is_dir($old)) {
161: $this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Moving %s to %s', $old, $new));
162: if (!$this->params['dry-run']) {
163: if ($this->params['git']) {
164: exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($old) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($old . '__'));
165: exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($old . '__') . ' ' . escapeshellarg($new));
166: } else {
167: $Folder = new Folder($old);
168: $Folder->move($new);
169: }
170: }
171: }
172: }
174: $this->_moveViewFiles();
175: $this->_moveAppClasses();
177: $sourceDirs = array(
178: '.' => array('recursive' => false),
179: 'Console',
180: 'controllers',
181: 'Controller',
182: 'Lib' => array('checkFolder' => false),
183: 'models',
184: 'Model',
185: 'tests',
186: 'Test' => array('regex' => '@class (\S*Test) extends CakeTestCase@'),
187: 'views',
188: 'View',
189: 'vendors/shells',
190: );
192: $defaultOptions = array(
193: 'recursive' => true,
194: 'checkFolder' => true,
195: 'regex' => '@class (\S*) .*(\s|\v)*{@i'
196: );
197: foreach ($sourceDirs as $dir => $options) {
198: if (is_numeric($dir)) {
199: $dir = $options;
200: $options = array();
201: }
202: $options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
203: $this->_movePhpFiles($dir, $options);
204: }
205: }
207: 208: 209: 210: 211: 212: 213:
214: public function helpers() {
215: $this->_paths = array_diff(App::path('views'), App::core('views'));
217: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
218: $this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']) . 'views' . DS);
219: }
221: $patterns = array();
222: App::build(array(
223: 'View/Helper' => App::core('View/Helper'),
224: ), App::APPEND);
225: $helpers = App::objects('helper');
226: $plugins = App::objects('plugin');
227: $pluginHelpers = array();
228: foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
229: CakePlugin::load($plugin);
230: $pluginHelpers = array_merge(
231: $pluginHelpers,
232: App::objects('helper', App::pluginPath($plugin) . DS . 'views' . DS . 'helpers' . DS, false)
233: );
234: }
235: $helpers = array_merge($pluginHelpers, $helpers);
236: foreach ($helpers as $helper) {
237: $helper = preg_replace('/Helper$/', '', $helper);
238: $oldHelper = $helper;
239: $oldHelper{0} = strtolower($oldHelper{0});
240: $patterns[] = array(
241: "\${$oldHelper} to \$this->{$helper}",
242: "/\\\${$oldHelper}->/",
243: "\\\$this->{$helper}->"
244: );
245: }
247: $this->_filesRegexpUpdate($patterns);
248: }
250: 251: 252: 253: 254: 255: 256: 257:
258: public function i18n() {
259: $this->_paths = array(
260: APP
261: );
262: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
263: $this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']));
264: }
266: $patterns = array(
267: array(
268: '<?php __*(*) to <?php echo __*(*)',
269: '/<\?php\s*(__[a-z]*\(.*?\))/',
270: '<?php echo \1'
271: ),
272: array(
273: '<?php __*(*, true) to <?php echo __*()',
274: '/<\?php\s*(__[a-z]*\(.*?)(,\s*true)(\))/',
275: '<?php echo \1\3'
276: ),
277: array('__*(*, true) to __*(*)', '/(__[a-z]*\(.*?)(,\s*true)(\))/', '\1\3')
278: );
280: $this->_filesRegexpUpdate($patterns);
281: }
283: 284: 285: 286: 287: 288: 289: 290: 291: 292: 293: 294: 295: 296:
297: public function basics() {
298: $this->_paths = array(
299: APP
300: );
301: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
302: $this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']));
303: }
304: $patterns = array(
305: array(
306: 'a(*) -> array(*)',
307: '/\ba\((.*)\)/',
308: 'array(\1)'
309: ),
310: array(
311: 'e(*) -> echo *',
312: '/\be\((.*)\)/',
313: 'echo \1'
314: ),
315: array(
316: 'ife(*, *, *) -> !empty(*) ? * : *',
317: '/ife\((.*), (.*), (.*)\)/',
318: '!empty(\1) ? \2 : \3'
319: ),
320: array(
321: 'r(*, *, *) -> str_replace(*, *, *)',
322: '/\br\(/',
323: 'str_replace('
324: ),
325: array(
326: 'up(*) -> strtoupper(*)',
327: '/\bup\(/',
328: 'strtoupper('
329: ),
330: array(
331: 'low(*) -> strtolower(*)',
332: '/\blow\(/',
333: 'strtolower('
334: ),
335: array(
336: 'getMicrotime() -> microtime(true)',
337: '/getMicrotime\(\)/',
338: 'microtime(true)'
339: ),
340: );
341: $this->_filesRegexpUpdate($patterns);
342: }
344: 345: 346: 347: 348:
349: public function request() {
350: $views = array_diff(App::path('views'), App::core('views'));
351: $controllers = array_diff(App::path('controllers'), App::core('controllers'), array(APP));
352: $components = array_diff(App::path('components'), App::core('components'));
354: $this->_paths = array_merge($views, $controllers, $components);
356: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
357: $pluginPath = App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']);
358: $this->_paths = array(
359: $pluginPath . 'controllers' . DS,
360: $pluginPath . 'controllers' . DS . 'components' . DS,
361: $pluginPath . 'views' . DS,
362: );
363: }
364: $patterns = array(
365: array(
366: '$this->data -> $this->request->data',
367: '/(\$this->data\b(?!\())/',
368: '$this->request->data'
369: ),
370: array(
371: '$this->params -> $this->request->params',
372: '/(\$this->params\b(?!\())/',
373: '$this->request->params'
374: ),
375: array(
376: '$this->webroot -> $this->request->webroot',
377: '/(\$this->webroot\b(?!\())/',
378: '$this->request->webroot'
379: ),
380: array(
381: '$this->base -> $this->request->base',
382: '/(\$this->base\b(?!\())/',
383: '$this->request->base'
384: ),
385: array(
386: '$this->here -> $this->request->here',
387: '/(\$this->here\b(?!\())/',
388: '$this->request->here'
389: ),
390: array(
391: '$this->action -> $this->request->action',
392: '/(\$this->action\b(?!\())/',
393: '$this->request->action'
394: ),
395: );
396: $this->_filesRegexpUpdate($patterns);
397: }
399: 400: 401: 402: 403:
404: public function configure() {
405: $this->_paths = array(
406: APP
407: );
408: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
409: $this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']));
410: }
411: $patterns = array(
412: array(
413: "Configure::read() -> Configure::read('debug')",
414: '/Configure::read\(\)/',
415: 'Configure::read(\'debug\')'
416: ),
417: );
418: $this->_filesRegexpUpdate($patterns);
419: }
421: 422: 423: 424: 425:
426: public function constants() {
427: $this->_paths = array(
428: APP
429: );
430: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
431: $this->_paths = array(App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']));
432: }
433: $patterns = array(
434: array(
435: "LIBS -> CAKE",
436: '/\bLIBS\b/',
437: 'CAKE'
438: ),
439: array(
440: "CONFIGS -> APP . 'Config' . DS",
441: '/\bCONFIGS\b/',
442: 'APP . \'Config\' . DS'
443: ),
444: array(
445: "CONTROLLERS -> APP . 'Controller' . DS",
446: '/\bCONTROLLERS\b/',
447: 'APP . \'Controller\' . DS'
448: ),
449: array(
450: "COMPONENTS -> APP . 'Controller' . DS . 'Component' . DS",
451: '/\bCOMPONENTS\b/',
452: 'APP . \'Controller\' . DS . \'Component\''
453: ),
454: array(
455: "MODELS -> APP . 'Model' . DS",
456: '/\bMODELS\b/',
457: 'APP . \'Model\' . DS'
458: ),
459: array(
460: "BEHAVIORS -> APP . 'Model' . DS . 'Behavior' . DS",
461: '/\bBEHAVIORS\b/',
462: 'APP . \'Model\' . DS . \'Behavior\' . DS'
463: ),
464: array(
465: "VIEWS -> APP . 'View' . DS",
466: '/\bVIEWS\b/',
467: 'APP . \'View\' . DS'
468: ),
469: array(
470: "HELPERS -> APP . 'View' . DS . 'Helper' . DS",
471: '/\bHELPERS\b/',
472: 'APP . \'View\' . DS . \'Helper\' . DS'
473: ),
474: array(
475: "LAYOUTS -> APP . 'View' . DS . 'Layouts' . DS",
476: '/\bLAYOUTS\b/',
477: 'APP . \'View\' . DS . \'Layouts\' . DS'
478: ),
479: array(
480: "ELEMENTS -> APP . 'View' . DS . 'Elements' . DS",
481: '/\bELEMENTS\b/',
482: 'APP . \'View\' . DS . \'Elements\' . DS'
483: ),
484: array(
485: "CONSOLE_LIBS -> CAKE . 'Console' . DS",
486: '/\bCONSOLE_LIBS\b/',
487: 'CAKE . \'Console\' . DS'
488: ),
489: array(
490: "CAKE_TESTS_LIB -> CAKE . 'TestSuite' . DS",
491: '/\bCAKE_TESTS_LIB\b/',
492: 'CAKE . \'TestSuite\' . DS'
493: ),
494: array(
495: "CAKE_TESTS -> CAKE . 'Test' . DS",
496: '/\bCAKE_TESTS\b/',
497: 'CAKE . \'Test\' . DS'
498: )
499: );
500: $this->_filesRegexpUpdate($patterns);
501: }
503: 504: 505: 506: 507: 508: 509:
510: public function components() {
511: $this->_paths = App::Path('Controller/Component');
512: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
513: $this->_paths = App::Path('Controller/Component', $this->params['plugin']);
514: }
515: $patterns = array(
516: array(
517: '*Component extends Object to *Component extends Component',
518: '/([a-zA-Z]*Component extends) Object/',
519: '\1 Component'
520: ),
521: );
523: $this->_filesRegexpUpdate($patterns);
524: }
526: 527: 528: 529: 530:
531: public function exceptions() {
532: $controllers = array_diff(App::path('controllers'), App::core('controllers'), array(APP));
533: $components = array_diff(App::path('components'), App::core('components'));
535: $this->_paths = array_merge($controllers, $components);
537: if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
538: $pluginPath = App::pluginPath($this->params['plugin']);
539: $this->_paths = array(
540: $pluginPath . 'controllers' . DS,
541: $pluginPath . 'controllers' . DS . 'components' . DS,
542: );
543: }
544: $patterns = array(
545: array(
546: '$this->cakeError("error400") -> throw new BadRequestException()',
547: '/(\$this->cakeError\(["\']error400["\']\));/',
548: 'throw new BadRequestException();'
549: ),
550: array(
551: '$this->cakeError("error404") -> throw new NotFoundException()',
552: '/(\$this->cakeError\(["\']error404["\']\));/',
553: 'throw new NotFoundException();'
554: ),
555: array(
556: '$this->cakeError("error500") -> throw new InternalErrorException()',
557: '/(\$this->cakeError\(["\']error500["\']\));/',
558: 'throw new InternalErrorException();'
559: ),
560: );
561: $this->_filesRegexpUpdate($patterns);
562: }
564: 565: 566: 567: 568: 569: 570:
571: protected function _moveViewFiles() {
572: if (!is_dir('View')) {
573: return;
574: }
576: $dirs = scandir('View');
577: foreach ($dirs as $old) {
578: if (!is_dir('View' . DS . $old) || $old === '.' || $old === '..') {
579: continue;
580: }
582: $new = 'View' . DS . Inflector::camelize($old);
583: $old = 'View' . DS . $old;
584: if ($new === $old) {
585: continue;
586: }
588: $this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Moving %s to %s', $old, $new));
589: if (!$this->params['dry-run']) {
590: if ($this->params['git']) {
591: exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($old) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($old . '__'));
592: exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($old . '__') . ' ' . escapeshellarg($new));
593: } else {
594: $Folder = new Folder($old);
595: $Folder->move($new);
596: }
597: }
598: }
599: }
601: 602: 603: 604: 605:
606: protected function _moveAppClasses() {
607: $files = array(
608: APP . 'app_controller.php' => APP . 'Controller' . DS . 'AppController.php',
609: APP . 'controllers' . DS . 'app_controller.php' => APP . 'Controller' . DS . 'AppController.php',
610: APP . 'app_model.php' => APP . 'Model' . DS . 'AppModel.php',
611: APP . 'models' . DS . 'app_model.php' => APP . 'Model' . DS . 'AppModel.php',
612: );
613: foreach ($files as $old => $new) {
614: if (file_exists($old)) {
615: $this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Moving %s to %s', $old, $new));
617: if ($this->params['dry-run']) {
618: continue;
619: }
620: if ($this->params['git']) {
621: exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($old) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($old . '__'));
622: exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($old . '__') . ' ' . escapeshellarg($new));
623: } else {
624: rename($old, $new);
625: }
626: }
627: }
628: }
630: 631: 632: 633: 634: 635: 636: 637: 638: 639:
640: protected function _movePhpFiles($path, $options) {
641: if (!is_dir($path)) {
642: return;
643: }
645: $paths = $this->_paths;
647: $this->_paths = array($path);
648: $this->_files = array();
649: if ($options['recursive']) {
650: $this->_findFiles('php');
651: } else {
652: $this->_files = scandir($path);
653: foreach ($this->_files as $i => $file) {
654: if (strlen($file) < 5 || substr($file, -4) !== '.php') {
655: unset($this->_files[$i]);
656: }
657: }
658: }
660: $cwd = getcwd();
661: foreach ($this->_files as &$file) {
662: $file = $cwd . DS . $file;
664: $contents = file_get_contents($file);
665: preg_match($options['regex'], $contents, $match);
666: if (!$match) {
667: continue;
668: }
670: $class = $match[1];
672: if (substr($class, 0, 3) === 'Dbo') {
673: $type = 'Dbo';
674: } else {
675: preg_match('@([A-Z][^A-Z]*)$@', $class, $match);
676: if ($match) {
677: $type = $match[1];
678: } else {
679: $type = 'unknown';
680: }
681: }
683: preg_match('@^.*[\\\/]plugins[\\\/](.*?)[\\\/]@', $file, $match);
684: $base = $cwd . DS;
685: $plugin = false;
686: if ($match) {
687: $base = $match[0];
688: $plugin = $match[1];
689: }
691: if ($options['checkFolder'] && !empty($this->_map[$type])) {
692: $folder = str_replace('/', DS, $this->_map[$type]);
693: $new = $base . $folder . DS . $class . '.php';
694: } else {
695: $new = dirname($file) . DS . $class . '.php';
696: }
698: if ($file === $new) {
699: continue;
700: }
702: $dir = dirname($new);
703: if (!is_dir($dir)) {
704: new Folder($dir, true);
705: }
707: $this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Moving %s to %s', $file, $new), 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
708: if (!$this->params['dry-run']) {
709: if ($this->params['git']) {
710: exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($file) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($file . '__'));
711: exec('git mv -f ' . escapeshellarg($file . '__') . ' ' . escapeshellarg($new));
712: } else {
713: rename($file, $new);
714: }
715: }
716: }
718: $this->_paths = $paths;
719: }
721: 722: 723: 724: 725: 726:
727: protected function _filesRegexpUpdate($patterns) {
728: $this->_findFiles($this->params['ext']);
729: foreach ($this->_files as $file) {
730: $this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Updating %s...', $file), 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
731: $this->_updateFile($file, $patterns);
732: }
733: }
735: 736: 737: 738: 739: 740:
741: protected function _findFiles($extensions = '') {
742: $this->_files = array();
743: foreach ($this->_paths as $path) {
744: if (!is_dir($path)) {
745: continue;
746: }
747: $Iterator = new RegexIterator(
748: new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path)),
749: '/^.+\.(' . $extensions . ')$/i',
750: RegexIterator::MATCH
751: );
752: foreach ($Iterator as $file) {
753: if ($file->isFile()) {
754: $this->_files[] = $file->getPathname();
755: }
756: }
757: }
758: }
760: 761: 762: 763: 764: 765: 766:
767: protected function _updateFile($file, $patterns) {
768: $contents = file_get_contents($file);
770: foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
771: $this->out(__d('cake_console', ' * Updating %s', $pattern[0]), 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
772: $contents = preg_replace($pattern[1], $pattern[2], $contents);
773: }
775: $this->out(__d('cake_console', 'Done updating %s', $file), 1);
776: if (!$this->params['dry-run']) {
777: file_put_contents($file, $contents);
778: }
779: }
781: 782: 783: 784: 785:
786: public function getOptionParser() {
787: $subcommandParser = array(
788: 'options' => array(
789: 'plugin' => array(
790: 'short' => 'p',
791: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'The plugin to update. Only the specified plugin will be updated.')
792: ),
793: 'ext' => array(
794: 'short' => 'e',
795: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'The extension(s) to search. A pipe delimited list, or a preg_match compatible subpattern'),
796: 'default' => 'php|ctp|thtml|inc|tpl'
797: ),
798: 'git' => array(
799: 'short' => 'g',
800: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Use git command for moving files around.'),
801: 'boolean' => true
802: ),
803: 'dry-run' => array(
804: 'short' => 'd',
805: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Dry run the update, no files will actually be modified.'),
806: 'boolean' => true
807: )
808: )
809: );
811: return parent::getOptionParser()
812: ->description(__d('cake_console', "A shell to help automate upgrading from CakePHP 1.3 to 2.0. \n" .
813: "Be sure to have a backup of your application before running these commands."))
814: ->addSubcommand('all', array(
815: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Run all upgrade commands.'),
816: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
817: ))
818: ->addSubcommand('tests', array(
819: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Update tests class names to FooTest rather than FooTestCase.'),
820: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
821: ))
822: ->addSubcommand('locations', array(
823: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Move files and folders to their new homes.'),
824: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
825: ))
826: ->addSubcommand('i18n', array(
827: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Update the i18n translation method calls.'),
828: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
829: ))
830: ->addSubcommand('helpers', array(
831: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Update calls to helpers.'),
832: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
833: ))
834: ->addSubcommand('basics', array(
835: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Update removed basics functions to PHP native functions.'),
836: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
837: ))
838: ->addSubcommand('request', array(
839: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Update removed request access, and replace with $this->request.'),
840: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
841: ))
842: ->addSubcommand('configure', array(
843: 'help' => __d('cake_console', "Update Configure::read() to Configure::read('debug')"),
844: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
845: ))
846: ->addSubcommand('constants', array(
847: 'help' => __d('cake_console', "Replace Obsolete constants"),
848: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
849: ))
850: ->addSubcommand('components', array(
851: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Update components to extend Component class.'),
852: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
853: ))
854: ->addSubcommand('exceptions', array(
855: 'help' => __d('cake_console', 'Replace use of cakeError with exceptions.'),
856: 'parser' => $subcommandParser
857: ));
858: }
860: }