1: <?php
2: /**
3: * PHP 5
4: *
5: * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
6: * Copyright 2005-2011, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
7: *
8: * Licensed under The MIT License
9: * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
10: *
11: * @copyright Copyright 2005-2011, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
12: * @link http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
13: * @license MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
14: */
16: App::uses('Security', 'Utility');
18: /**
19: * Base Authentication class with common methods and properties.
20: *
21: * @package Cake.Controller.Component.Auth
22: */
23: abstract class BaseAuthenticate {
25: /**
26: * Settings for this object.
27: *
28: * - `fields` The fields to use to identify a user by.
29: * - `userModel` The model name of the User, defaults to User.
30: * - `scope` Additional conditions to use when looking up and authenticating users,
31: * i.e. `array('User.is_active' => 1).`
32: *
33: * @var array
34: */
35: public $settings = array(
36: 'fields' => array(
37: 'username' => 'username',
38: 'password' => 'password'
39: ),
40: 'userModel' => 'User',
41: 'scope' => array()
42: );
44: /**
45: * A Component collection, used to get more components.
46: *
47: * @var ComponentCollection
48: */
49: protected $_Collection;
51: /**
52: * Constructor
53: *
54: * @param ComponentCollection $collection The Component collection used on this request.
55: * @param array $settings Array of settings to use.
56: */
57: public function __construct(ComponentCollection $collection, $settings) {
58: $this->_Collection = $collection;
59: $this->settings = Set::merge($this->settings, $settings);
60: }
62: /**
63: * Find a user record using the standard options.
64: *
65: * @param string $username The username/identifier.
66: * @param string $password The unhashed password.
67: * @return Mixed Either false on failure, or an array of user data.
68: */
69: protected function _findUser($username, $password) {
70: $userModel = $this->settings['userModel'];
71: list($plugin, $model) = pluginSplit($userModel);
72: $fields = $this->settings['fields'];
74: $conditions = array(
75: $model . '.' . $fields['username'] => $username,
76: $model . '.' . $fields['password'] => $this->_password($password),
77: );
78: if (!empty($this->settings['scope'])) {
79: $conditions = array_merge($conditions, $this->settings['scope']);
80: }
81: $result = ClassRegistry::init($userModel)->find('first', array(
82: 'conditions' => $conditions,
83: 'recursive' => 0
84: ));
85: if (empty($result) || empty($result[$model])) {
86: return false;
87: }
88: unset($result[$model][$fields['password']]);
89: return $result[$model];
90: }
92: /**
93: * Hash the plain text password so that it matches the hashed/encrypted password
94: * in the datasource.
95: *
96: * @param string $password The plain text password.
97: * @return string The hashed form of the password.
98: */
99: protected function _password($password) {
100: return Security::hash($password, null, true);
101: }
103: /**
104: * Authenticate a user based on the request information.
105: *
106: * @param CakeRequest $request Request to get authentication information from.
107: * @param CakeResponse $response A response object that can have headers added.
108: * @return mixed Either false on failure, or an array of user data on success.
109: */
110: abstract public function authenticate(CakeRequest $request, CakeResponse $response);
112: /**
113: * Allows you to hook into AuthComponent::logout(),
114: * and implement specialized logout behavior.
115: *
116: * All attached authentication objects will have this method
117: * called when a user logs out.
118: *
119: * @param array $user The user about to be logged out.
120: * @return void
121: */
122: public function logout($user) { }
124: /**
125: * Get a user based on information in the request. Primarily used by stateless authentication
126: * systems like basic and digest auth.
127: *
128: * @param CakeRequest $request Request object.
129: * @return mixed Either false or an array of user information
130: */
131: public function getUser($request) {
132: return false;
133: }
134: }